The dictionary meaning of the word tourism is touring, organizing and the other services for the tourist. The word tourism did not appear in an English dictionary until 19th century. It is derived from the French word TOUISME, which literally means to travel and travel related jobs. Tourism is not an industry rather it is an activity, which take place when people move from one one place to another place for leisure or business or anything else, residing at least for 24 hours but not exceeding one consecutive year or 12 months, without exercise of an activity of generating remuneration or income.
Australian Economist Herman Van Scheullard , in 1910, for the first time stated that “Tourism can be defined as the sum total of operations which is mainly of economic in nature which is directly related with the entry, stay and the movement of tourists from one place to another inside or outside the certain city, country or region”. It is a temporary or short term movement of people to the destinations outside the places where they normally live and work and their activities during their stay at the destinations. Ai t includes the movement for any purpose as well as the day visit or excursions.
It is the fastest growing industry in the world and it is believed to be expected 20% of the people of the entire universe are employed directly or indirectly in this industry. It is the servicing industry however the service provided by the tourism industry cannot be seen or felt. This industry is often called invisibility trade. These services are sold either to the individual or to the tour operator.
Australian Economist Herman Van Scheullard , in 1910, for the first time stated that “Tourism can be defined as the sum total of operations which is mainly of economic in nature which is directly related with the entry, stay and the movement of tourists from one place to another inside or outside the certain city, country or region”. It is a temporary or short term movement of people to the destinations outside the places where they normally live and work and their activities during their stay at the destinations. Ai t includes the movement for any purpose as well as the day visit or excursions.
It is the fastest growing industry in the world and it is believed to be expected 20% of the people of the entire universe are employed directly or indirectly in this industry. It is the servicing industry however the service provided by the tourism industry cannot be seen or felt. This industry is often called invisibility trade. These services are sold either to the individual or to the tour operator.